Global Accelerator Program at iDesignproject Lab

What is iDesignproject?

We believe that a healthy global ecosystem of innovation plays a critical role in shaping future technology globally. The iDesignproject is an online global network of incubators working in collaboration with spaces around the world and has spurred a revolution in the tech ecosystem across the United States over the last year, constantly challenging and influencing technology development.

We provide an online platform space, a part vector for investors and VCs, and part incubator. This is a vibrant and collaborative environment for innovators and startups to think through their ideas, and develop their solutions, lowering the barriers to entry for many would-be entrepreneurs. Our commitment to spurring a vibrant community of innovators and entrepreneurs to build “best in the world” companies tailored to solving the myriad of problems in the United States and across the developing world motivates iDesignproject. This ecosystem includes individual developers, designers, creatives, researchers, scientists, engineers, technologists, as well non-tech people looking to launch startups.

Looking Forward

Our goal is to continuously fuel an ecosystem of innovation and technology that allows people to develop enterprises that creatively solve problems around them using technology, while shaping the way innovation is viewed by the world.
We are convinced that people are at the core of any successful company anywhere in the world, and that any country that diligently invests in its people (particularly for a young population such as our global youth) is bound to reap huge benefits sooner or later. And iDesignproject wants to help develop top-notch talent that can start or help build successful

tech companies that can scale regionally and globally.

We include all parties in the ecosystem, supporting startups throughout their innovation journey and connecting them with opportunities through our initiatives.

iDesignproject has supported the growth of a community passionate about the role of technology in transforming the United States and Globally. We have seen from experience that there are lots of people and organizations interested in the application of technology to solve local problems and

our goal is to continue to unearth such individuals/companies and to support them to bring their ideas/products to life.

The program provides idea proponents/teams with mentoring, pre-seed funding, project planning, usability testing and customer validation for their solutions.

Once the solutions start gaining traction and start monetizing, such teams ‘graduate’ to our Accelerator program where they receive mentoring, business development, administrative and funding support to test their models and focus on execution.


Do you have an innovative idea (leveraging web or mobile) that solves a problem/issue that affects a large number of people first in the US and beyond?

Does the idea improve on an existing process/solution or is it completely new i.e. hasn’t been done locally or globally?

Have you taken time to research the problem/issue and have a clear picture of the target segment it affects?

Do you have the skills to build a prototype of the solution? (or have access to technical skills)

Are you prepared to spend the next 3–6 months building the solution and going out to understand your potential users?


Do you have a solution that was launched within the last year to address a clear need/want?

Have you gained some traction with the solution in the local market i.e. do you have users?

Is the solution generating revenue?

Are you looking to further validate your business model & grow your user base in the local market?

Do you have a team of up to 3 members which includes a technical lead and founder?


The online-incubator serves as the meeting point for stakeholders to meet, brain-storm, share ideas and collaborate. This is achieved through knowledge partnership events, meet-ups, focus groups, hackathons, competitions, workshops, and talks from guest speakers. The ecosystem continually re-energizes and revitalizes social entrepreneurs and change makers and also provides access to human resources for companies seeking technical expertise in the focus of our community initiatives includes:

Connect people together

Provide a shared context

Enable dialogue

Introduce collaborative processes

Stimulate learning

Capture and diffuse new knowledge

Help people organize around purposeful actions

iDesignproject Lab

The online-incubator serves as an open innovation ecosystem in which user-driven innovation is fully integrated in the co-creative process of new services, products and societal infrastructures. Our model includes end-user participation from an early stage of creative process of technology development. Through partnership between citizens, social entrepreneurs, subject matter experts, businesses and public authorities, the iDesignproject Lab allows prototype testing of tomorrow’s best social innovations in the United States and Globally. The Social Innovation Camp and Tech-In Government are examples of the application of this model.

This model benefits citizens, government, entrepreneurs and research;

  • It empowers citizens, as end-users, to influence the development of innovation services and products that eventually could benefit the whole society
  • It allows government, industry and entrepreneurs to develop, validate and integrate new ideas through partnerships that increase their chances of success.
  • The living lab facilitates the integration of technological innovation in society and increase return on investments in relevant research.

Pre-Accelerator Services

This is a proactive provision that consists of a bouquet of support activities including advice, training, mentorship and access to funding through our network of local and international partners. These services are built on top of a managed access to the HUB as a connected shared working space with state of the art facilities and meeting room. The features of the services include:


Responsive and focused enterprise support, helping high growth social ventures to reach their potential


Stimulate innovation in social tech start-ups for growth including exploiting new knowledge, processes and technologies to achieve their objectives


Helping to create the right conditions for tech ventures to gain and be eligible for funding

Empowering a thriving Global ecosystem

iDesignproject provides a wide range of services that enable our members to build high-impact entrepreneurial ecosystems in every type of community or industry. We annually host international conferences and leadership summits while providing globally-recognized thought leadership, research, education and professional development and program accreditation for top-tier entrepreneurship centers. Most importantly, we facilitate authentic connections, mentorship, and peer-to-peer collaboration for all of our members and their client entrepreneurs.

Driving Innovation through diversity.

Each startup is unique, and our program is tailor-made to get you up and running in a short period of time. Program elements include:
• Structured mentoring
• State-of-the-art technology
• Co-working space with global partners
• Access to customers and partners
• Access to investors

Early Stage Innovators

We work directly with a variety of early stage innovators to help them bring their ideas to market through workshops and training, coaching and mentoring, funding and awards.


Entrepreneurs have little more than an unproven idea, so the focus is on testing the idea and identifying a product-market fit.


Company is in the process of being set up.


May have initial market traction but require further funding and will likely not yet be generating profits.


Demonstrate viability, growth, and potentially profitability.

Over 60% of Accelerators Run Programs that Combine In-Person and Remote Components

While most respondents hold in-person programs, a considerable portion provide a mix of in-person and virtual support.
  • In-person (e.g. entrepreneurs meet in person with fellow entrepreneurs and program facilitators)
  • Remote (e.g. your activities take place in a virtual/web-based space)
  • Hybrid (Online and In-Person Accelerator Space)