Energy Technology

iDesignproject provide an experience-based mentoring/program that promotes innovation, excellence and a personal commitment to learning, developing, innovation, building technology for the energy sector. This includes looking at the human aspects as well as the technical aspects of energy, problem-solving in application projects, and opportunities for research projects. Energy Technology Program is a very unique program exploring the critical field of energy in a collaborative, hands-on environment. While we provide the basic understanding of all aspects of energy and energy consumption, we offer specific focus upon project-based learning, community and industrial outreach, renewable energy focus areas (i.e. solar energy, wind energy, and bio-energy), energy conservation strategies, energy policies, administration, and research opportunities.

New technology is also being explored to make renewable energy sources—such as solar, wind and hydropower—more effective for meeting today’s growing energy demands. Advances in technology are the world’s best bet for meeting increasing energy demands while also protecting the environment. The energy industry is making great strides in how energy sources are extracted, created and used—always with the aim of using less to do more. As the world’s population grows and less developed parts of the globe become more technologically advanced, the energy industry’s commitment to new technology will make it possible for more and more people to have access to the electricity they need while keeping the environment safe and healthy.