Research Commercialization

Whatever stage you’re at in the commercialization process, some professionals and supports can help you get the most out of your research. The steps below to see what the national Technology Transfer support system can offer you at each stage. If you are looking for some inspiration and want to know more about how many technologies are licensed to companies.

Have an Idea

Have an If you wish to commercialize an idea and are not based in a research institute or higher education institute, visit the Start a Business section of our website. You have an idea for a technology that has the potential to become a commercially viable service or product. Have you checked that it is not already invented? Run a search through the United States Patents Office. iDesignproject supports/services available to assist you. If you are in a college, you may have a Technology Transfer Office (TTO), and they should be your first point of contact. They can help you to assess the potential commercial application of your research and work out the best route to the marketplace.

First Steps

In consultation with your Technology Transfer Office (TTO), you should explore if you are eligible for funding from SBIR/STTR to prove the commercial potential of your technology. At this stage, it would be essential to have a good idea of the market potential for your technology. You should consider the following:

  • What problem does your concept address?
  • What are the current approaches to solve the problem?
  • Describe your proposed solution to the problem.
  • Why is your concept better than the existing answers?
  • What supporting evidence can you provide that your idea has a commercial application?
  • Can your team successfully deliver this project?

Develop the Technology

You need to develop your technology to a point where it can be protected and assessed by industry to determine market potential. Demonstrating the technology and understanding the competitive advantages it could provide to companies in the market is a priority. You need to consider the following:

The commercial potential of the project output.

The markets and customers where you think your technology will have the most substantial commercial potential.

The industry relationships you plan to forge or have already developed.

The status of the technology regarding intellectual property rights.

iDesignproject supports/services available to assist you Grant support under the SBIR/STTR is available to assist researchers with their technology development and market validation costs. The SBIR/STTR supports research in areas of technology to the agency interest to industry in the United States to technologies, products or processes that can provide the basis of new businesses in the United States or can improve the competitiveness of industry through licensing agreements. For more details and to apply for support, go to

License Your Technology

Technology and associated intellectual property developed out of research can be transferred to a new or existing company through the granting of a license. This brings financial rewards for the college and the inventor and can lead to longer-term research relationships with industry.

iDesignproject supports/services are available to assist you The Technology Transfer Offices in the colleges can help locate appropriate companies and direct the negotiation of a license. iDesignproject Commercialization Specialists work closely with the Technology Transfer Offices to assist with this process using iDesignproject network of client companies. If you do not have access to your own Technology Transfer Office, please contact directly for assistance. iDesignproject host events to showcase the commercial opportunities emerging from its programs and Higher Education Institutes such as

iDesign Innovation Project showcase which presents the spin-outs and market opportunities arising from Universities and Colleges. These events are attended by venture capitalists, angel, and private investors, entrepreneurs, innovators, international and Corporate Innovation Partners.

Spin-out a New Company

In some cases, it is feasible for researchers to progress to the point of establishing a spin-out company to exploit the intellectual property that has been created. Such researchers often become the Chief Technology Officer in the company, bringing in an experienced CEO to run the venture but many options can be examined as part of this process. iDesignproject supports/services available to assist you. Our Commercialization Specialists will work with you and your Technology Transfer Office to help build the company. Email us at